Asking4It Productions were founded by Jane Fox in 2011 to write and commission musical theatre and opera.
Shelter is a chamber opera with libretto by Jane Fox and musical score by Ashley John Long. It is a sensory exploration of forced child marriage and Stockholm Syndrome where a girl is married to an old husband and held captive for an unknown time.

Shelter is a powerful, immersive opera exploring attachment, ambivalence, loss of innocence and the (im)-possibility of freedom. The score is part-graphic and contains elements of vocal and musical improvisation for three voices, cello and double-bass.

“The result is akin to an intimate confessional in which events, emotions and conversations are recalled, sometimes with great violence, but also allowing the music to meditate and reflect on what has been heard. The result is impressive and very moving.” – Peter Reynolds, Composer (1958-2016)

Funded by the Arts Council of Wales.
Adolygiadau – Shelter reviews